Thursday, November 27, 2008

Macbeth & 1984

Currently Reading :

Macbeth -Shakespeare

My English class is currently reading Macbeth, we started it yesterday and I am nearly finished. I heard a lot of bad things about Macbeth so I was not sure if I would like it, surprisingly I am madly in love with it. Especially Lady Macbeth who is by far my favorite character thus far.

Would love to hear some opinions on the book. Love it? Hate it? Loath it? Let me know.

1984 -George Orwell

I've only just started it but so far i am absolutely terrified and extremely in awe of the world George Orwell has created in this book. Not much else to say considering I am only two chapter's in. I shall keep you posted on my thoughts of this odd and intriguing read.

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