Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I am extremely pleased with myself this afternoon. Why you ask? Well because this afternoon i made a trip to Chapters to pick up a book for my brothers christmas present, while i was there i stumbled upon a gigantic Edgar Allen Poe short story/poetry book on sale for $13. Im still amazed at this deal considering the book is huge and filled with wonderful stories. I also purchased a smaller book with a few of his short stories because well i can't exactly carry a giant book to school each day.

Also, it snowed today. It looks very pretty but it is also very very very cold [and wet].


Angelica said...

I saw that book too!! It's bound SO lovely and his stories are genius! I wanted to buy it right then, but I am trying very hard to practice self-control, which is especially hard when you see books as beautiful as that one!

Girl With A Pearl said...

oh yes i know! it's so big though, but it has so much of his work! im still excited about it